ARTS-A0113 - Academic Learning Skills, Lecture, 6.9.2023-29.11.2023
This course space end date is set to 29.11.2023 Search Courses: ARTS-A0113
This is a first year mandatory course for Bachelor's Programme in Design -students.
Course has 7 themes with teaching sessions and themed assignments. Please follow the instructions given by the teachers in the session.
Responsible teachers are: Mari Partanen and Kuura Koivu and teaching assistant Mahsa Tajalli. Contact the teachers mainly through general discussion (below). Usually the things unclear to one student are the same ones everyone is thinking about.
Workload and assignment schedule
PLEASE NOTE! first session is cancelled and it will be replaced later in the autumnTeaching session date Teaching session theme Group assignment Assignment deadline Workload (contact teaching + assignment) 13.9.2023 at 13.15-15 Studying in Finland Group agreement 19.9. 5 20.9.2023 at 13.15-15 Learning from others / feedback Poster assignment 2.10. 8 27.9.2023 at 13.15-15 Time Management Time management 24.10. 12 25.10.2023 at 15.15-17 Planning Your Studies and PSP Personal study plan 10.12. 9 8.11.2023 at 15.15-17 Study Ability and Wellbeing Wellbeing 21.11. 6 22.11.2023 at 10.15-12 Learning in groups Group evaluation 28.11. 6 29.11.2023 at 10.15-12 Skill set Learning reflection 10.12. 8 Total 54 h Make-up submission dates: 31 May 2024 at noon and 31 August 2024 at noon. If you have not completed the course, these are the two dates when you can still submit late assignments and receive the credits for the course. After these dates, you must re-take the course. Please note that the grades are registered within 4 weeks of the deadline date and if you have questions about the submission, you should contact us (Mari and Kuura) well in advance, especially during summer as most staff are out of office during July. Submissions are to be made to the corresponding task's hand-in box under the topic's page.-
If you have missed more than one lesson, contact Kuura and Mari and suggest a suitable replacement task related to the topic of the lesson you missed. Then, you can hand it in here.