
  • Study ability is a student's work ability. Study ability is relevant for study results, student well-being, and study progress.

    Promoting study ability improves study progress, expertise, employability and working life, but also community activity and atmosphere. A study community which cares for study ability creates a positive circle, where the well-being and enthusiasm of staff and teachers is passed on to students and vice versa, thereby spreading to the whole community.

    Many different factors influence study ability. Societal structures and decisions, actions by management and personnel, student associations, as well as each individual in the community.


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      Assignment 5 Hand-in: Study ability Inlämningsuppgift

      1- Fill in the lifetime map.

      2-Then write 1 to a maximum of 2 pages of self-reflection:

      You can use the following questions as guidelines: What did you learn about yourself? Use both exercises in the class and the lifetime map. What additional points did you learn or were reminded of by this lecture? What have been your identity and style in study ability and wellbeing? What are your superpowers and what needs to change?

      Remember! This assignment is like journaling. There are no right or wrong answers!