Osion kuvaus

  • Instructions, phases, materials etc. about the team assignment will be posted here shortly.

    • Sivu icon
      Overview of the Group Assignment, schedule, background information and readings.

    • Tehtävä icon

      This is an intermediate phase submission intended to help you in analysing the development of the case firms.

      Collect information on the development of the case firms and the relevant technologies, markets, businesses, and industries from the duration of the three disruptions described in the group assignment.

      Create a timeline or timelines of the events in a format of your choice. The timeline(s) can be visual, a table, text or whatever combination you prefer.

      The goal of the timeline(s) is to help you in writing the final report. You should create such timelines that help you compare case firm actions and relative success, the technological lifecycles and discontinuities involved. In other words, the timeline(s) should map development of both the relevant technologies and business success of relevant firms.

      This submission does not impact your grading directly but is mandatory. You could include the (improved) timelines in your final report in appendices or otherwise, if you see it fit, however.

    • Tehtävä icon

      Final Report - instructions

      Read the description of the assignment at: Group Assignment: The Once and Future Kings of Personal Computing and Communication

      Address the instructions there and submit a final report the meets the following criteria:

      • Submitted as a PDF
      • Max 12-14 pages excluding possible appendices (like reference list) and a cover page (with info: assignment phase, date, group number, member names)
      • Single line-spacing
      • Font size 12
      • Used sources to be cited and listed as references following some consistent citation notation (reference list is not included in the page limit).

    • Ryhmävalinta icon

      Hello all,

      We will form groups with max 5 persons per each. Group memebers can now register themselves here.

      Note: If you do not have a group and plan to do the course,  post about your intention to the Discussion forum expressing your aim to find likeminded people to form a group with you!

      Everyone should be in a group by Tuesday 5.11. by 22:00 am.

      In case of troubles or questions, contact olli-pekka.mutanen@aalto.fi for further instructions.
