
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the Leadership and Change Management course! 

    The course will be held on campus only.
    Participation in sessions is highly recommended. Post-class reflections at the end of each class will give you 10 points.

    English. All assignments must be written in English. 


    1. There is a pre-assignment for the 1st session. The DL is 4.9 at 14:00
    2. To pass the course, you must return (1) all pre-assignments, (2) the final assignment, and (3) participate in the simulation game.
    3. Post-class reflections at the end of each class will give you 10 points.
    4. You need to access MyCourses during the class. Please bring your phone or laptop to access MyCourses during the class.
    5. You need at least one laptop per group for the simulation game on 2.10. 

    The instructors:
    Assistant Professor Natalia Vuori
    Postdoctoral Researcher Barbara Burkhard

    Learning objectives

    You will go away with

    1. Understanding how to implement changes/strategies
    2. Understanding the role of sources of power and political capital during change/strategy implementation
    3. Knowing your personal inventory list of sources of power and political capital
    4. Knowing various influence styles and when and how to apply them to your counterparts
    5. Understanding the challenges that employees face during every kind of organizational changes
    6. Knowing how to manage employees during these organizational changes



    (1) Five Pre-assignments

    Mandatory. See instructions for each session the Assignments folder.

    (2) Five Post-class reflections 

    Non-mandatory, but give you 10 points max. These are done during the class. You need to access MyCourses during the class, so please bring your phone or laptop to access MyCourses during the class. Teachers provide instruction during the session.

    (3) Simulation Game

    Mandatory. It involves a simulation game in groups of three people during class 5 on 2.10. You need at least one laptop per group. 

    (4) Final assignment 

    Mandatory, individual assignment. See instructions in the Assignments folder. 

    These deadlines are strict. No late submissions will be accepted.

    Grading policy

    Up to 40 points are given for the following elements

    • Pre-assignment (individual work): 15 points
    • After class reflection (individual work): 10 points
    • Final assignment (individual work): 10 points
    • Simulation Game (in groups): 5 points. The three best groups will get 2 extra points as a prize. The three second-best groups will get 1 extra point as a prize. 

    Final grades are given as follows:

    • <25: FAIL
    • 25-26: 1 (but must return all pre-assignments and the final assignment and participate in the simulation game)
    • 27-29: 2
    • 30-32: 3
    • 33-35: 4
    • 36+: 5

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Pre-assignment for Session 1 Inlämningsuppgift
    • Fil icon
      Slides Session 1 Fil PDF
    • Kunskapstest icon
      Online Quiz - Module 1 Kunskapstest
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Pre-assignment for Session 2 Inlämningsuppgift
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      Slides Session 2 Fil PDF
    • Kunskapstest icon
      Online Quiz - module 2 Kunskapstest
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Pre-assignment for Session 3 Inlämningsuppgift
    • Fil icon
      Slides for Session 3 Fil PDF
    • Kunskapstest icon
      Online Quiz - Module 3 Kunskapstest
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Pre-assignment for Session 4 Inlämningsuppgift
    • Fil icon
      Slides Session 4 Fil PDF
    • Kunskapstest icon
      Online Quiz - Module 4 Kunskapstest
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Pre-assignment for Session 5 Inlämningsuppgift
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Pre-assignment for Session 6 Inlämningsuppgift
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      Slides Session 6 Fil PDF
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