Topic outline

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      29 February Session File
      An amuse bouche of material on opportunity (Golden Eggs), mindset (Break the Rules), university unicorn founder factories (Aalto does not appear to be on the list), and in finance markets timing is everything (Market Pulse).


      a) Is this an investable proposition? Why or why not?
      b) Looking at the financials, is this company broke?

      *if you have little or no comfort with financials NOT TO WORRY, have a glance through the beginners guide in the folder :)

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      I have attached a copy of the original Monopoly game patent - look at the detail provided and remember it is a public document. You take this recipe and build a game of your own BUT if caught you can be taken to court for patent violation (provided you can afford the lawyers!)

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      7 March File PDF
      We will be talking about raising funding from Founders, Family, Friends (and Fools) 4F's to which we add two C's - Crowds and Customers

      John Mullins provides an excellent perspective on Customer Funded Business (give it a glance)
      We will discuss Emmy Clothing - I have attached a roadshow presentation that they used to attract interest, the investment proposal featured on Investor, and the Shareholder's Agreement which you become party to if you invest.
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      Reward Based Crowdfunding (Backpacks) Slide Deck File PPTX
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      Equity Crowdfunding (Emmy) Slide Deck File PPTX
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      Miikka's Slides (FIBAN) + Venture Capital Report Opportunities File PDF
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      Advanced Business Computer Slide Deck File PPTX

      A really dense BUT really useful perspective on the "art" not the "science" of valuation

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      Waterstone Slide Deck File PPTX