Topic outline

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      Vision in Future Product Design is fundamentally based on tapping into your powers of observation. During the first week of Opportunity Prototyping, I want you to limber up this invaluable force.

      Pick any "product" of your choosing. Take the time to give it a thorough examination. Provide visual(s). How would you describe it? What are its qualities? If it had a "personality", how would you describe it? Why has it been designed the way it is? What needs does it address well? not so well? Make up your own questions! 

      Have fun with this and importantly, give the "product" MORE than a ONCE OVER! :)


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      "Shopping" for groceries is an "interaction" rich environment to explore. Take the time to investigate what interaction(s) you observe. Describe what you think is going on by identifying qualities of the interaction itself. It will be helpful for you to think of at least 4 words to complete the phrase "the (interaction observed) can be characterised by ... x (and you fill in the x!)" Do not take photos of other people without their consent AND many retail outlets don't allow such activity in any event. Use your eyes as the camera and provide visual(s) from searching relevant images online. 

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      Relying on the future context you developed in a group as a springboard, what would YOU like to offer people living in that world? Provide me with a clear understanding as possible of who these people are (persona). Framing justifiable answers to questions like ... "I want to offer people ...", "I want to enable people to ..." "I would like people to see/experience ..." or "I want people to feel ... to understand ..."

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      The VIP process is both exhilarating and challenging. As you embark on this journey, I want you to provide a personal perspective on your experience. What were the key takeaways for you? What did you learn through the process? What worked well? Not so well? What would you have done differently? Keeping brief notes as you go through the process stimulates and enhances the reflection process as you would with any diary. There is no page limit per se but you get out of it what you put into it!

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      On a domain of your choosing, your group will "deconstruct" the present (and past) as a basis for visualising a future context that envision new forms of interactions and offerings. The time frame has been set at 2030. Each group is to submit a 5 page maximum (excluding exhibits and resource bibliography) executive summary detailing the future context created and elements of the process use to create it AND a 5 minute max ON STAGE PRESENTATION describing your future context directed toward an audience of your choosing (think painting and selling your vision). Please use the Pecha Kucha 15 frames, 20 second per frame format in preparing your presentation.