Topic outline

  • The second module investigates service-based value creation. A large number of industrial companies are increasing the share of services in their business operations to find new sources of profitability and competitiveness. However, service-based value creation differs in many ways from product-based value creation. For instance, providing novel services and forming performance-based contracts requires explicit demonstration of the value-in-use of the service.

    The learning goal of this module is to understand how individual and organizational goals drive actions, how service providers and users communicate about their expectations, how the parties reach their goals by co-producing value propositions, and how the value propositions are designed "outside-in" by analyzing customer's business process.

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      Wed 31.1.2024: Value propositions

      This session discusses 1) how goals drive value creation, 2) how value-creating relationships are initiated by value propositions, 3) how value propositions are built by customer value research, and 4) how the supplier's and users' activity systems are integrated by a service.

      Before the session:

      1. Watch the two short video lectures

      2. Read and review the article:

      Lecture material:

      • TU-E2013-M2-Session1-ValuePropositions-Töytäri.pdf

      After the session:

    • Quiz icon
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Quiz icon
      M2 Session 1 Participation Self-assessment Quiz
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student

      Wed 7.2.2024: Value realization

      This session focuses on service implementation and value-in-use. To implement value co-creation in practice, service providers and users need to collaborate to establish and reach shared goals. Hence, service-based value creation requires high level of coordination, cooperation, information sharing, joint learning, and organizing that makes all this possible. For firms that have traditionally kept their suppliers at arms length distance, value co-production is difficult.

      Before the session:

      1. Read the article:

      2. Review the articles:

      Lecture material:

      • [The material will be shared here during or after the session]

      After the session:

      • Take the M2 Session 2 Quiz - Value Creation by Service (DL 9.2.2024 at 16.00)

      • Submit your M2 Session 2 Participation Self-assessment (DL 9.2.2024 at 16.00)

      • Submit your M2 Learning Diary: Value Creation by Service (DL 14.2.2024 at 9.30)
        In the diary, summarize and explain your key learnings of the module.

    • Quiz icon
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Quiz icon
      M2 Session 2 Participation Self-assessment Quiz
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      M2 Learning Diary: Value Creation by Service Assignment