TU-E2013 - Service Operations Management D, Lecture, 17.1.2024-10.4.2024
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 25.04.2024 Etsi kursseja: TU-E2013
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The sixth module investigates service operations and service strategies from the perspective of organizational and institutional transformation.
Service strategies carry potential for higher profit margins and sustained competitive advantage. On the flipside, they require changes to organizational activities, client relationships, strategic decision-making and industry-wide norms and practices. These factors may be beyond the decision-making power of an individual company, so it is worth understanding how to try to influence them, and how they affect the implementation of the service strategy.
Wed 27.3.2024: Service transformation as an institutional change
In this session, we explore how institutional factors can make the implementation—and success—of service strategies a challenging task. After the module, you are expected to understand: 1) how service transformation is fundamentally an institutional phenomenon, 2) how institutional processes hinder (and in some cases support) service transformation, 3) what are some of the means available to companies to promote institutional change in support of service strategies, and 4) why the management of tensions—internally and toward external stakeholders, is important for the success of service strategies.
Before the session:
1. Read and review the article:
- Bhakoo Choi 2013 The iron cage exposed - Institutional pressures and heterogeneity across the healthcare supply chain.pdf
The article shows how different institutional pressures lead to mixed organizational responses. In particular, the article describes how different organizations in the healthcare supply chain (i.e. hospitals, distributors and manufacturers) respond to institutional pressures when implementing inter-organizational systems. (The article review is presented by the group of students assigned to this task. The rest of us are supposed to be prepared to discuss the article after the presentation.)
2. Listen to the podcast:
- The podcast (ca. 37min) by Jaakko Siltaloppi and Mikko Heiskala discusses the perspectives of the institutional theory relevant to service operations.
Lecture material:
- TU-2013-M6-Session1-ServiceTransformation-InstitutionalChange-Siltaloppi.pdf
After the session:
- Read more about institutional theory and its explanatory power considering the implementation of service operations:
- Take the M6 Session 1 Quiz - Service Transformation (DL 29.3.2024 at 16.00)
- Submit your M6 Session 1 Participation Self-assessment (DL 29.3.2024 at 16.00)
- Bhakoo Choi 2013 The iron cage exposed - Institutional pressures and heterogeneity across the healthcare supply chain.pdf
M6 Session 1 Participation Self-assessment Quiz -tehtävä
Wed 10.4.2024: Industry example of an institutional change
This session discusses service transformation in practice. The day's guest speaker is Ilmari Veijola of Siemens. He will share insights on the challenges relating to a operating a factory as a service. This radical concept is based on a partnership between Siemens and Nestle in jointly running a factory in Finland.
Before the session:
- Read and review the article Koskela-Huotari, Edvardsson, Jonas, Sörhammar Witell 2016 Innovation in service ecosystems.pdf
The article examines innovation as a process that unfolds through changes in the institutional arrangements that govern resource integration practices in service ecosystems. (The article review is presented by the group of students assigned to this task. The rest of us are supposed to be prepared to discuss the article after the presentation.)
Lecture material:
- TU-2013-M6-Session2-ServiceTransformation-IndustryExample-Veijola.pdf
After the session:
- Read more about the transformation to performance-based service system governance by Nestlé and Siemens: Veijola, Hakanen, Rajala 2022 From transactional to a devoted relationship - toward performance-based service system governance.pdf
The article discusses the collaborative activities enabling the transformation a conventional IT service provision to a performance-based service system governance. - Take the M6 Session 2 Quiz - Service Transformation (DL 12.4.2024 at 16.00)
- Submit your M6 Session 2 Participation Self-assessment (DL 12.4.2024 at 16.00)
- Submit your M6 Learning Diary: Service Transformation (DL 17.4.2024 at 9.30)
In the diary, summarize, explain and reflect on your key learnings of the module.
- Read and review the article Koskela-Huotari, Edvardsson, Jonas, Sörhammar Witell 2016 Innovation in service ecosystems.pdf
M6 Session 2 Participation Self-assessment Quiz -tehtävä
M6 Learning Diary: Service Transformation Tehtävä