
  • The fifth module investigates service ecosystemsValue creation is changing from traditional pipelines to platforms and, eventually, complex ecosystems for producing services. These service ecosystems are often associated with a digital platform or a focal firm that manages the interactions within the ecosystem

    The module targets three learning goals, all of which focus on building your ability to critically evaluate any service ecosystem. First, you will learn to differentiate between different ways of organizing and evaluate how those impact joint value creation. Next, you can consider ecosystems as ‘organic’ structures and how they should be approached from a managerial perspective. Third, (especially through the group work) you will learn to approach networked value creation that is based on interrelated activities and indirect rewards. These points will help you to identify different goals, premises, and rules for an ecosystem that facilitate new forms of networked value creation. 

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande

      Wed 13.3.2024: Service ecosystems

      The first session of the module examines the service ecosystems more deeply and clarifies the distinctions between different structures for value creation and sharing: platforms, networks, and ecosystems. The second meeting takes these themes further following a hands-on group work for ecosystem design.

      Before the session:

      1. Read and review the article:

      • Adner 2017 Ecosystem as structure - An actionable construct for strategy.pdf
        The article presents a structuralist approach to conceptualizing the ecosystem construct and provides a grammar for characterizing ecosystem structure and the distinctive aspects of ecosystem strategy. (The article review is presented by the group of students assigned to this task. The rest of us are supposed to be prepared to discuss the article after the presentation.)

      2. Listen to the podcast:

      Lecture material:

      • The contents of the pre-reading material are discussed more during the lecture. Since the body of ecosystem literature is developing fast, we will also point out why it is important to critically evaluate different perspectives of the material.

      • TU-2013-M5-Session1-ServiceEcosystems-Hakanen.pdf

      After the session:

    • Kunskapstest icon

      The quiz focuses on the lecture content and you should be able to answer all questions after attending the lecture. However, also the prereading materials are useful for many of the questions. 

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      Kunskapstest icon
      M5 Session 1 Participation Self-assessment Kunskapstest
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande

      Wed 20.3.2024: Ecosystem design

      The second session and workshop is devoted to ecosystem design

      Before the session:

      • Read and review the article: Adner 2022 Sharing value for ecosystem success.pdf
        The article argues that there are no losers in a thriving ecosystem - only partners that win in different ways. Also, it explains how the ecosystem leader’s primary role is to ensure alignment among followers on whom their success depends. (The article review is presented by the group of students assigned to this task. The rest of us are supposed to be prepared to discuss the article after the presentation.)

      During the session:

      This session is based on a group work that will give you hands-on experience on analyzing and designing an ecosystem

      1. In the beginning of the session, please assign yourself into an ecosystem design group (3 students per group).

      2. In your group of 3 students, familiarize yourself with your group's case and read the TU-2013-M5-Session2-WorkshopInstructions-Hakanen.pdf)

      3. During the workshop, work with your team using the Miro canvas below. After your work, select one of the canvases you have produced and submit it as a screenshot using the Ecosystem worksop submission box below. 

      4. At the end of the workshop, we will have a joint debriefing discussion focusing on the module’s learning goals

      You find the Miro canvas links attached: 

      The assignment helps you to identify and visualize the complex interactions required in networked value creation, which is essential for any service ecosystem. During the session, we will review conduct the workshop and discuss the insights, experiences, and questions regarding the assignment.

        After the session:

        • Please familiarize yourself with the session debriefing material TU-2013-M5-Session2-WorkshopDebriefing-Hakanen.pdf

        • Take the M5 Session 2 Quiz - Service Ecosystems (DL 22.3.2024 at 16.00)

        • Use the Ecosystem workshop submission box to submit a screenshot of the canvas developed in your groupwork (One submission per group) (DL 22.3.2024 at 16.00)

        • Submit your M5 Session 2 Participation Self-assessment (DL 22.3.2024 at 16.00)

        • Submit your M5 Learning Diary: Service Ecosystems (DL 27.3.2024 at 9.30)
          In the diary, summarize, explain and critically reflect on your key learnings of the module. Reflect on the workshop canvas your group produced. Did you find the group work on ecosystem design useful, or would you do something differently?

      1. Kunskapstest icon
      2. Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
        Kunskapstest icon
        M5 Session 2 Participation Self-assessment Kunskapstest
      3. Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
        Inlämningsuppgift icon
        M5 Learning Diary: Service Ecosystems Inlämningsuppgift

        In this learning diary, please reflect on your group's ecosystem workshop. All groups were asked to submit a canvas based on the discussion in your group. Please comment on the canvas your group prepared. What was discussed when crafting that exercise? What are the key take-aways from the workshop?