Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Welcome to

    TU-C2020 – Operations Management

    Spring 2024


    In this course, you will develop an understanding of the concepts and theoretical frameworks that describe, explain and prescribe the design and operation of production systems from strategy to daily operations in global, intra- and inter-organizational contexts. Besides providing relevant operations management concepts and theories, the objective is to learn to apply this knowledge practically through assignments.


    More info about grading can be found on its own sidebar tab.

    Course content




    Twice per week
    Wed 14:15 & Fri 10:15, see lectures tab for more info


    Pre-lecture quizzes

    Twice per week
    DL before each lecture, see lectures tab for more info


    Videos, podcasts, and 

    Before and after lectures
    See course book below and lectures tab


    Group assignment

    Weekly DL


    Final exam

    At the end of the course
    4th-period exam: 18.4.2024 at 09-12 (Maarintie 8)
    5th-period exam: 5.6.2024 at 09-12 (Maarintie 8)


    Study Material

    All lectures will be held in Finnish, but all course documentation, instructions and lecture materials will be in English.

    Course Book: Slack, N.; Brandon-Jones, A.; Johnston, R. (2011) : Essentials of Operations Management, Prentice Hall 

    Note: Lecture materials are updated in the Lectures section.

    Course Staff

    Teacher: Dr. Timo Seppälä
    Valle Aarnio
    Ahmad Assad

    Emails: firstname.lastname@aalto.fi (with å/ä/ö-letters converted to a/a/o)

    Please include your student number and the course code TU-C2020 when emailing. When emailing the assistants, please include both in the recipients.