
  • Allmänt

    • Instructions for students:

      • Self-enroll to the course in MyCourses.
      • Events (research presentations) are displayed in the attendance-tool. Events can be in-class, remote, or hybrid. Please check when and where events take place. All the remote events can be accessed using the zoom link on the MyCourses page of this course.
      • Please record your participation in the events in the attendance tool yourself. You need to do this to get credits of this course. 1 ECTS = 13 participations. The participation can be recorded only during the event.

      Instructions for teachers:

      • You are free to give a presentation yourself, invite a guest, or organize thesis presentations.
      • Any topic related to the research or education of the department of Electronics and Nanoengineering is fine!
      • You can occupy any available time slot (Wednesdays 10.15-12.00 in TU3). Go to attendance tool and edit any available event. Please mark whether the event is organized remotely or physically in TU3.
      • You can also create a new event in the attendance tool. Note that in that case you need to reserve a lecture hall if you organize the event in class.
      • The organizer of each event acts as the chair. The chair should remind the students to record their participation in the attendance tool of MyCourses.
      • Time for master's thesis presentations 20+10 min. Max 3 thesis presentations/event.