Osion kuvaus

  • ELEC-E9111 Mathematical Computing (5cr)

    • Teaching

      NOTE: Lectures on Mathematica (starting from Wednesday 25.10.2023) are in the lecture hall AS1 on Maarintie 8. Exercise sessions will continue in U9 as before.

      Lectures on Wednesdays 12:15-14:00 in AS1
      Exercise sessions on Fridays 12:15-14:00 in U9

      Course description

      This course offers an introduction to mathematical computing which is an important skill when studying and solving  scientific research and engineering problems. After this course the student will be able to use MATLAB and Mathematica to efficiently solve commonly encountered problems and develop their mathematical programming skills individually.

      Preparing for the course

      This course focuses on the use of MATLAB and Mathematica software in scientific computation. Both programs are free for students and available at https://download.aalto.fi/

      Earlier knowledge of MATLAB or Mathematica is not required, but it will be helpful. The topics of this course address a wide range of mathematics which should be familiar from bachelor's level mathematics courses. You should be comfortable with at least the following:

      • Linear algebra and matrix operations
      • Complex numbers and functions
      • Integral transforms, specifically Laplace & Fourier
      • Differential equations
      • Vector differential and integral calculus

      You may take the quiz below to see how well you remember them.
    • These slides were presented in the welcome lecture 6th of Sep

    • Feel free to test your knowledge. This quiz covers  most of the mathematical topics that will be used in this course. The quiz is meant for self-evaluation and will not affect the grading of the course.