ELEC-E9545 - Digital Microelectronics III: Physical Implementation V D, Lecture, 4.9.2023-9.10.2023
This course space end date is set to 09.10.2023 Search Courses: ELEC-E9545
Course execution on Fall 2023
The course consists of a lecture and three exercises of flow-based digital implementations on silicon, starting from RTL netlist.- Synthesis and place and route of a simple SPI control register.
- Synthesis and place and route of Risc-V microprocessor core with memory macros
- Synthesis and place and route of the PIC - microcontroller designed on the course 'Digital microelectronics II'
Suport for completing the exercises are provided in during exercise sessions conducted in Zoom.
Lecture and Session dates:- Opening Lecture 4.9 at 10.15-12.00, AS5 (NO ZOOM, I'd like to meet you in person)
- First exercise/demo session 18.9 at 10.15-12.00, AS5 and Zoom (I am traveling on 11.9, sorry. You may check the recordings of the last years exercises if you wish to get a head start)
- Second exercise/demo session 25.9 10.15-12.00, AS5 and Zoom
After these, help will be provided in Zoom sessions at exercise time.
Preparations for the course
- Completion of the course 'Digital Microelectronics II' is an absolute prerequisite of the course. Attending on the course without completing it is not possible.
- As you have taken 'Digital microelectronics II', you should have account at our laboratory's computing machine 'vpsace.ecdl.hut.fi'. Ensure that you can log in to that machine with x2go as you did in 'Digital microelectronics II'. In case you can't, send an email to 'esupport-ecd@aalto.fi'
- Ensure that you can log in a) from Aalto network (i.e. with VPN or otherwise) to bubba.ecdl.hut.fi. Use LDAP credentials, same as for vspace.
- You must add your ssh keys to following git-servers:https://version.aalto.fi/gitlab/-/profile/keys , https://bubba.ecdl.hut.fi:81/-/profile/keys, https://gitlab.com/-/profile/keys , and https://github.com/settings/keys , for the last two, you mayneed to create an account.
- Join to the courses Slack- channel at https://join.slack.com/t/elec-e9545/shared_invite/zt-230431lza-GwJjDW8kp3GbRG23avro6Q
Suggested reading
This book provides a comprehensive view on various topics of microelectronica layout design
https://primo.aalto.fi/permalink/358AALTO_INST/ha1cg5/alma999327714406526Lecture and exercise session location
Lectures takes place in the lecture hall, help for carrying out the exercises will be provided in Zoom meeting, link below.
Marko Kosunen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: ELEC-E9545Digital MIcroelectronics III
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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