Topic outline

  • General

    This course will give you 

    • basic understanding of light-matter interaction on subwavelength scale (nanoscale, in the optical domain)
    • knowledge of recent developments and applications of artificial materials and surfaces designed to achieve advantageous and unusual electromagnetic and optical properties.

    The course is suitable for second-year MSc students and post-graduate students specializing in radio science and engineering, applied physics, optics and photonics.

    The course is organized by the research group of Theoretical and Applied Electromagnetics of Complex Media. You can find more information at

    As a teaser, here is an illustration of some active research directions in one of the nanophotonics sub-fields: bianisotropic metasurfaces (BMS) for control of wave propagation using thin composite layers. This picture is from paper V.S. Asadchy, A. Díaz-Rubio, and S.A. Tretyakov, Bianisotropic metasurfaces: physics and applications, Nanophotonics, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 1069-1094, 2018.