Osion kuvaus

  • Guidelines:
    • Deadline for the submission of each paper exercise is 15 minutes before the beginning of the next exercise session, unless otherwise noted. See section Time Schedule.
    • You may collaborate in solving the exercises, but each student must write his/her answer and justifications in his/her own words. Copy-paste errors are a big minus.
    • Write your name and student number in the top of the first page of the submitted pdf.
    • The only accepted file format is pdf. Submit only one single file per exercise. The maximum allowed file size is 5 Mb.
    • Name your file like this: surname_firstname_exercise_X.pdf   (e.g. einstein_albert_exercise_3.pdf, X = ordinal of the exercise)
    • Matlab or any other code is not considered as derivation nor justification
    • Take care of the clarity of your submission. Any unreadable or otherwise unclear parts of the submission are interpreted as erroneous.

    • Attend exercise sessions.
    • During exercise introduction sessions, an assistant introduces a paper exercise and gives tips for solving it.
    • During exercise solution sessions, an assistant presents the solution of the paper exercise.
    • During CAD sessions, assistants will be present to help you out with CAD problems.
    • Post your question in General discussion forum and consult the questions made by other students in that forum. Note that assistants answer your posted questions with a (significant) delay.
    • No exercise assistance is provided through email.

    Paper exercise grading:
    • Each paper exercise is graded gradually from 0.0 to 2.0 points.
    • 8 paper exercises -> maximum total score from paper exercises is 8 * 2.0 = 16.0 points.
    • Late submissions of Paper excises will be graded as 0 (zero) because solutions will be provide right after deadline.
    • Re-submissions before the deadline will not reduce your points.

    CAD exercise grading:
    • Each CAD exercise is graded gradually from 0.0 to 6.0 points.
    • 2 CAD exercises -> maximum total score from CAD exercises is 2 * 6.0 = 12.0 points.
    • 2.0 points will be deducted for late submission. Deadline for late submission of CAD exercises is a week after the the deadline of CAD-II submission which will be Wednesday, 15 June, 12:00 AM.
    • Re-submissions before the deadline will not reduce your points.

    Important notice (overall grading):
    • The weights of course lecture examination and exercise points are as follows: lecture examinations 30%, paper exercises 40%, and CAD-exercises 30%.

    Paper exercises:
    • Exercise 1: Switched-capacitor integrator
    • Exercise 2: Design of switched-capacitor biquad
    • Exercise 3: Bilinear transformation in SC-biquad
    • Exercise 4: Switched-capacitor ladder filter
    • Exercise 5: Transconductance-capacitor filter
    • Exercise 6: Digital-to-analog converter
    • Exercise 7: Pipeline analog-to-digital converter
    • Exercise 8: Oversampling analog-to-digital converters


    CAD exercises:
    • CAD 1: Switched-capacitor filter
    • CAD 2: Analog-to-digital converter

    NB! In order to run the necessary simulations in CAD exercises, you need to have a vspace account. Everyone who has taken ELEC-E3510 Basics of IC Design should have the accounts available. If you don't have the account, you should apply for it through the form in: https://bubba.ecdl.hut.fi/forms. The jobtitle is "Student" and application type "Apply for Computer user account".

    • Tehtävä icon
      Exercise 1: Switched-capacitor integrator Tehtävä
    • Tehtävä icon
      Exercise 2: Switched-capacitor biquad Tehtävä
    • Tehtävä icon
      Exercise 3: Bilinear transformation in SC-biquad Tehtävä
    • Tehtävä icon
      Exercise 4: Switched-capacitor ladder filter Tehtävä
    • Tehtävä icon
      CAD Exercise 1 Tehtävä
    • Tehtävä icon
      Exercise 5: Transconductance-capacitor filter Tehtävä
    • Tehtävä icon
      Exercise 6: Digital-to-analog converter Tehtävä
    • Tehtävä icon
      Exercise 7: Pipeline analog-to-digital converter Tehtävä
    • Tehtävä icon
      Exercise 8: Oversampling analog-to-digital converters Tehtävä
    • Tehtävä icon
      CAD Exercise 2 Tehtävä