
  • ELEC-E3260 Biomolecules


    In this course we are going to learn about spectroscopic and microscopic techniques which can be used to study biomolecules samples. During this course we will study different instruments (i.e., principles, instrumentation, what can be analyzed? how? data analysis). At the end of this course you will have enough knowledge and understanding how to analyze biomolecules samples.

    You can find a general description of the course here.


    February 15th, Class will be ONLINE 

    (due to the public transport strike)
    Join us at:


    • The course will be held in person every Tuesday and Thursday from 12.15 to 14.00. Our classroom is Pienisali in Micronova (Tieototie 3, just behind the cafeteria). Presence is not mandatory, but we recommend participation since discussions in class will be important for the overall learning.
    • Slides and recorded lectures will be available
    • Completion and assessment of the course will be based on (weekly) Learning Diary, Essay and Oral Exam.
    • About using AI resources in Teaching & Learning at Aalto University

    For any information on the course and MyCourse page, or if you are encountering any problem with MC space, please contact Caterina Soldano (caterina.soldano@aalto.fi)

    Remember that in order to participate in this course, you have to register in Sisu.