
  • General Info

    Course Launch: the opening lecture of this course will be held on ThursdaySeptember 7 at 12:15am. The first meeting will take place in person (no zoom connection). We will discuss about the course modalities (online / at campus), content, and completion during the first lecture. There will be no homework session on Thursday, September 7 and no lecture on September 6th. Participation to the first lecture is highly desirable as this is also a possibility to comment about lecturing modalities. 

    Rough content: Operator & Network business. What aspects one need to consider when building networked business (wireline and wireless). We also consider regulatory issues, including spectrum auctions and scarcity.  

    Completion: There will be essay writing and homework. No midterm exam is organised, but there will a final exam in 2023. Possibly also a business game session later in the semester.