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      As to the point summary and grades, see the attached file.

      Send questions or comments regarding course assessment or grading no later than Monday 11.12. If necessary, I will arrange an opportunity to repeat the exam next week (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday). Please note, in particular, that you can only increase exam points, not other course points.

      Since my contract at Aalto ends at the end of December, I aim to complete the course by December 19 at the latest.

      I wish you all an excellent future in your working life and other life activities.

      Kalevi Kilkki

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      Exam Kunskapstest
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      This exam consists of three essay questions. 

      You have 120 minutes time between 9:00 and 11:15. 

      Note also that 2 hours is a short time to answer all three questions - thus, be careful not to spend too much time, e.g., with the first question.

      Best wishes

      Kalevi Kilkki

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    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      A1: Groups of patterns Inlämningsuppgift
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      Group Work I: Economic Bubbles Inlämningsuppgift
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      Group Work 2: Tragedy of the Commons Inlämningsuppgift
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      A2: Cognitive biases Inlämningsuppgift
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      A3: Long Tail Box Office sales Inlämningsuppgift
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      Extra tasks Inlämningsuppgift
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      3 Good Deeds Inlämningsuppgift
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      Butterfly effect and AI tools Inlämningsuppgift
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      Assignment P1: Juggling Inlämningsuppgift
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      Final Assignment Inlämningsuppgift
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