
  • Allmänt

    In this course, we study the foundations of cryptography AND/OR cryptographic key exchange (which is large enough to be its own subfield). Both tracks run in parallel throughout period III and IV.

    In Foundations Track (Materials: Foundation Materials) of this course, we cover the following topics, among other things:
    • Cryptographic hash functions
    • Complexity theoretic hash functions
    • Impossibility results and nice proofs for MiniCrypt which were skipped in the basic crypto course
    In the Key Exchange Track (Materials: Key Exchange Materials), we plan to cover (among other things):
    • Security models for key exchange protocols
    • Signature-based key exchange protocols
    • Password-based key exchange protocols
    • Forward-secrecy and post-compromise security
    For information on Passing CriteriaPassing Criteria
    The foundations track is based on mature teaching material (lectures + exercises), while the key exchange track is emerging, seminar-style and experimental. For Course Organization (Deadlines, Schedule):  Course Organization