
  • Where to get points:

    There are 10 assignments in each track. You can solve assignments in both tracks or only one track. In the foundations track, you can get max. 4 points per assignment. In the key exchange track, you can get max. 5 points per assignment, and some of the assignments in the key exchange track require attendance.

    In the foundations track, there are 12 online lectures, each of them containing quizzes. Answering all the quizzes (you need to answer all of them) of one lecture and at least one of them correctly before the deadline (see course organization) is worth 1 point.

    Points are not given for late submissions and we do not grant extensions for dls for any reason, please take this into account when scheduling (the passing criteria is low s.t. you can still pass the course even if you miss some exercises or lectures, hence we do not make special arrangements e.g. in case of illness).

    Passing criteria:

    - 30 points in total.

    There is no exam and the grading is pass/fail.