Topic outline

    • There are three types of assignments on the course:
       A. In class -exercises (done at the first exercise session of the week)
       B. Homework -exercises (done at home before the second exercise session of the week
       C. Return for grading -exercises (done at home and returned through MyCourses -pages)

      The first exercise session of the week
      The In class -exercises are  to be done in the exercise session and the assistant will give advice on how to do them if necessary. The correct solutions to the problems will be discussed together. To obtain points for these exercises, you only need to be present. 

      If there is time after the in class exercises are done, homework exercises can be also done, and the assistant can help with those, but the solutions of those will not be discussed until the second exercise session of the week.

      The second exercise session of the week
      The first houris used for going through the homework. Homework (three problems, except on the first round only one problem) should be done before the meeting. The calculated problems 1-3 will be recorded in a list and the assistant will ask one of the students to present his/her solution on the board. This is a good situation to train the public presentation of technical problems. A skill that is valuable in work life. The points for the homework exercises come according what is marked on to the list.

      The second hour of is used for working with Return for grading -exercises, for which the assistant can give hints and answer questions. The Return for grading -exercises must be returned electronically (see instructions and return in the Returning boxes for exercises section) by 11:59 pm on Tuesday of the following week.

      Attendance at the beginning of the week 3 p
      Homework and return for grading  2p/problem

      Total number of exercises points available
      Attendance at the first session of the week:  6*3p = 18 p
      Homework: 2p+5*6p= 32 p
      Return for grading: 5*6p = 30 p
      Together 80 points.

      In addition, missing points can be replaced by calculating automatically checked STACK exercises, with a maximum of 30 points, freely chosen from a total of about 60 STACK problems.

      Scoring formula: minimum {exercise points + STACK points, 80}

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