CS-E4960 - Software Testing and Quality Assurance D, Lecture, 5.9.2023-28.11.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 28.11.2023 Etsi kursseja: CS-E4960
Osion kuvaus
What is software quality? How can it be achieved? How can software testing help to achieve quality? How should testing be organised, managed, and automated? What quality and testing practices and techniques are there and what are their strengths and weaknesses? What does software testing and quality assurance look like in today's software development? These are essential questions in this course.
The course combines individual assignments with a group assignment that runs throughout the course. You will learn how to define a quality model for a product or project, plan quality assurance activities, including testing, around that quality model, create test plans and test cases, and turn those into real manual and automated tests that help assure quality.
Communication channels
See Communication (registered students only).
Practical matters
Lectures are on Tuesdays at 10:15 - 12:00. See the course schedule for more details.
The registration for this course happens in two phases:
- Course registration (individual) via Sisu. Deadline: By the course starting date.
- Group registration in MyCourses. Deadline: 15.9.2023
The course has no final written exam. Instead, the individual weekly learning tasks and the group project are evaluated. The latter comprises partial deliverables and a mid-term presentation.
Teacher: Assistant Professor Fabian Fagerholm (fabian.fagerholm@aalto.fi).
Teaching team: Ava Heinonen, Başak Amasya, Bettina Lehtelä, Evelyn Birnzain, Pietari Immonen, Stanislav Chren, Ulaş Aydin
Communication Sivu