CS-E4920 - Portfolio in Software and Service Engineering (V), Lecture, 29.8.2023-8.5.2024
This course space end date is set to 08.05.2024 Search Courses: CS-E4920
Topic outline
Content of module 2
During this module, you will construct a learning portfolio based on your previous studies and work experience. In addition, you will construct a LinkedIn profile (or a CV) based on the learning portfolio, and a video that summarizes you as a SSE professional. Thereafter, your will gather feedback about your profile from a potential employer.
All students of the SSE major are welcome to this module, regardless of whether they have completed Module 1.
Contact sessions I and II are obligatory (all absences must be approved separately). Please note that Task 1 should be done before the first contact session.
Tasks 1, 2 and 3 are obligatory to pass this module,
Task 1: Learning portfolio, DL 29 February, 13:00
Contact session I, 1 March 12:15-15:30 @ T5
- Recruiting in 2024 - networking with potential employers, Netlight Oy
- Discussion on Task 1 results, Jari Vanhanen
- Workshop on creating/improving your LinkedIn profile, Netlight Oy
- Tips on creating a 1-minute video of yourself, Netlight Oy
Task 2: Profile creation and promotion, DL 21 March, 13:00
Contact session II, 22 March 14:15-16:00 @ T5- Meeting SSE professors and staff
- Doctoral studies in SSE
- Presentations of Task 2 results (LinkedIn profile, video, feedback from a potential employer) in several parallel sessions.
Task 3: Updated profile + reflection, DL 2 April, 23:59