CS-E4000 - Seminar in Computer Science D, Lecture, 8.1.2024-12.4.2024
This course space end date is set to 12.04.2024 Search Courses: CS-E4000
Topic outline
Lecture slides
Introduction File PDF
Slides of the first lecture:
- introduction and practicalities;
- assessment and evaluation criteria.
- introduction and practicalities;
Writing and presenting technical content File PDF
Slides of the second lecture about:
- technical documents: definition and different types;
- access to resources and publications;
- relevance and contribution of scientific works;
- structure and content of a technical report;
- presenting technical content.
Evaluation criteria for the current edition of the course.
Model for Draft 1 File PDFThis annotated model illustrates the features of Draft 1 of the seminar paper. Draft 1 should contain approx. two pages of readable text and 5-10 key references.
Model for Draft 2 File PDFThis annotated model illustrates the features of Draft 2 of the seminar paper. Draft 2 should contain 6-10 pages of readable text and 10-15 references.
Typesetting in LaTeX File PDF
Slides for course CSE-E4430 (Methods and Tools for Network Systems), November 5, 2015.
Guide by Tobias Oetiker, Hubert Partl, Irene Hyna and Elisabeth Schlegl, version 6.2, February 28, 2018.
Writing style for technical papers recommended by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Konstantina Papagiannaki and Luigi Rizzo, "The ACM SIGCOMM 2009 technical program committee process", SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev. 39(3):43-48, June 2009
Resources about academic writing in English by the Aalto Language Center.
Citing Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism File PDF