Osion kuvaus

  • The seminar paper should discuss the assigned topic according to the guidelines pointed out in the lecture about writing and presenting technical content. Detailed instructions and comments are provided by the tutor.


    The technical report must be typeset in LaTeX, based on the course template. The basic style rules are those in the IEEE Editorial Style Manual. More detailed instructions are provided by the English teacher and your tutor. For additional resources refer to the course material. The final seminar paper should be between 7 and 10 pages in single-column format, excluding the bibliography (no more than 2 extra pages for that are allowed).


    The submission of the seminar paper takes place in three different phases.

    During the first two phases, a draft of the seminar paper is submitted. After the submission, you will receive individual feedback about the technical content from your tutor. (If you are attending the integrated English course, you will also receive individual feedback about writing from the English teacher during the corresponding classes.) After receiving the feedback, you will need to revise the seminar paper accordingly and submit it again.

    During the last phase, the final version of the seminar paper is submitted. It should include the feedback received by the tutor, the English teacher (only for students attending the integrated English course), and the opponent.

    Submission instructions

    The seminar paper and the related slides must be submitted through the submission links at the bottom of the page (to be added soon). No other form of submission will be accepted. Should you have problems in accessing MyCourses, contact the course staff at cs-e4000@aalto.fi

    Submissions should only consist of a single file, namely, of a PDF document. You can submit multiple times until the deadline expires. In case multiple submissions are present, only the latest submission will be considered. Deadlines are hard: they are set in MyCourses and are automatically enforced by the system. Do not wait until the very last minute, but rather submit the exercise well in advance (e.g., at least 4 hours before the deadline). It is recommended to submit early and multiple times before the deadline as you work on the seminar paper.