Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Teachers: Eeva Vilkkumaa, Juuso Liesiö

    Welcome to the course!

    Below is a tentative schedule. Lectures are held on Mondays and Wednesdays at 12.15-14.00 in a hybrid mode, so you may attend either by being physically present in lecture room V001/V002, or by following the lectures online via Zoom. The Zoom link is shown below. The lectures are recorded and posted online. 

    Assessment is based on online quizzes (40%) and two coursework assignments (30% + 30%). Quizzes need to be completed before the lectures (except the first lecture). Quizzes are individual work, and any instances of colluding or sharing answers will be treated as academic misconduct.

    Assignment 1 is individual work and consist of problem-solving type questions. The deadline for Assignment 1 is on 13.5. at 12 noon. Assignment 2 is group work, and the deadline for this assignment in on 31.5. at 12 noon (note: DL postponed until June 5th 12 noon). Q&A sessions for the assignments will be held in room 2002 (Ekonominaukio 1, 2nd floor, ISM department) on given Mondays / Wednesdays at 14.15-15.00. These sessions can also be attended through Zoom using the same link as for the lectures. More information on the assignments will be provided later.