
  • Allmänt

    Dear all,
    Welcome to the Integrated Marketing Communications course!

    Zoom link for the 15.2. session: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/69789069071?pwd=WGJ3QU84NmV4NExPNE5oVHJOdlRzQT09 (passcode 265717)

    The course will be conducted on campus, and sessions will be held at DELOITTE - U119, Undergraduate Centre. Although the lectures will not be recorded, all presentation materials will be available in the "Lectures" folder under the "Materials" section. While attendance for regular lectures is not mandatory, except for guest lectures, we highly encourage everyone to attend.

    Lectures will commence at 13:15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting from January 9th to February 15th, 2024. Please follow the schedule published in the relevant section.

    Please note that two guest lectures (1.2 and 6.2) are mandatory. We will take names and deduct points in case someone misses them. In case you know in advance you won’t make it to the lectures, and don’t want your points to be deducted, let Elizaveta (elizaveta.sakhnovskaia@aalto.fi) know in advance. We will assign you a small assignment instead.

    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact responsible teachers Elizaveta Sakhnovskaia (primary contact) via e-mail (elizaveta.sakhnovskaia@aalto.fi) or Laura Rosenberg (laura.rosenberg@aalto.fi).

    Credits: 6 ECTS credits upon successful completion.

    Coursework and Grading:

    • Group work (60%):
    1. Final report (40%)
    2. Presentation of the report (20%): Effective presentations contribute to your overall assignment score; failure to present will result in a lower score.
    • Final exam (individual work) (40%):
    1. The final exam assignment will be published on February 15th, and you will have one week to submit your work (due date: February 22nd).
    2. Retake possible only in extenuating circumstances (e.g., documented medical issues or family emergencies), and will be discussed individually.

    • Mapp icon
      Materials Mapp
    • Fil icon
      Schedule and Readings Fil PDF
    • Omröstning icon
      Group choice Opinionsmätning
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Group Assignment Inlämningsuppgift
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      Final Exam Inlämningsuppgift
    • Omröstning icon
      Group work consultation 8.2. Opinionsmätning