
  • Allmänt

    Numerical matrix computations, Fall 2023, period I


    MS-C1343 Linear Algebra (or other basic(+) knowledge of matrices).
    Basic knowledge of Matlab.

    The course can be passed by two methods:
    1. Exercises(60%) + course exam(40%) (recommended)
    2. Extremely difficult, hope crushing exam only.

    Regardless of the exercise points, we require the students to get at least grade 1 (50 %) from the exam in order to pass.

    Course material is covered in the book "Trefethen, Bau: Numerical Linear Algebra" and the lecture notes.


    The course will consist of lectures and exercise sessions and neither are mandatory to attend. During exercise sessions we provide the possibility to work with the problems and ask questions from the assistant. The lecture note contains video recordings on all covered topics. Homework is returned weekly + graded.

    Contact information

    Lecturer: Antti Hannukainen (M308), email: first.last@aalto.fi
    Assistant: Antti Autio (M329), email: first.2.last@aalto.fi (NOTE THE 2)