
  • Allmänt

    Quick info:  Remember to register for the exams. All questions about exam registration to studentservices@aalto.fi. Teachers cannot do anything about the registration. 

    This is an introductory course on the technical aspects of information security.

    The course has been planned for both bachelor and master students with at least two years of previous studies in computer science. The students are assumed to have programming skills and a broad knowledge of computer-science concepts. 

    The course consists of recorded lectures, flipped-classroom sessions, online exercises, and an examination. There will also be on-site advice sessions for the exercises. To complete the course, it is necessary to take the examination on campus.

    Contact information: Use the MyCourses forums for public questions, contact cs-c3130@aalto.fi from your Aalto email for private questions. For help on the exercises, join the exercise advice sessions. Please do not email the course staff members directly. 

    Lecture slides and a link to the recorded lectures will be under Lectures. The lectures will be published during the course. This year, we will use lecture content produced in the previous few years. For personal contact, please join the flipped classroom sessions and exercise support sessions.

    Flipped classroom sessions will be on campus (location varies!) on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 14:15-16:00 from 12 September to 12 October. These support the learning of the course content. Please check time and location on this page weekly before coming to the class.  

    There are five rounds of weekly exercises with weekly deadlines, with the first ones available by 11 September. Exercise support sessions will be on campus (Learning Space Greenhouse, i.e., the old CS library, CS Building, address Konemiehentie 2) three times a week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays at 16:15-18:00. Come there to ask for help with the exercises when you need it.  Each week, the course assistants will focus on the exercise round that has its deadline. The exercises will stay open another week after the stated deadline but with limited support from the teaching staff. Note that the exercises cover only a part of the course content and are not a replacement for the lectures.

    Examinations will be on campus, the first one 19 October at 17-20. You can take one or more of the exams, and the highest grade will prevail. The exam is done on pen and paper. Note that the exam covers all the lecture content, which is much broader than the exercises. 

    Lecture content:

    1.       Access control models
    2.       Access control in operating systems
    3.       User authentication
    4.       Software security
    5.       Cryptography
    6.       Data encryption
    7.       Security protocols
    8.       PKI and web security
    9.       Threat analysis
    10.     Identity management

    Flipped classroom schedule

    Tue 12.09.2023 14.15–16.00

    Lecture hall E - Y124 (Otakaari 1)

    Thu 14.09.2023 14.15–16.00

    T1 (Konemiehentie 2)

    Tue 19.09.2023 14.15–16.00

    Lecture hall E - Y124 (Otakaari 1)

    Thu 21.09.2023 14.15–16.00

    T1 (Konemiehentie 2)

    Tue 26.09.2023 14.15–16.00

    Lecture hall E - Y124 (Otakaari 1)

    Thu 28.09.2023 14.15–16.00

    T1 (Konemiehentie 2)

    Tue 03.10.2023 14.15–16.00

    Lecture hall E - Y124 (Otakaari 1)

    Thu 05.10.2023 14.15–16.00

    TU2 (Maarintie 8)

    Tue 10.10.2023 14.15–16.00

    Lecture hall E - Y124 (Otakaari 1)

    Thu 12.10.2023 14.15–16.00

    T1 (Konemiehentie 2)

    Exercise schedule
    1.       Access control in Linux and Windows (dl 22 September 18:00)
    2.       Software and web security 1: SQL injection (dl 22 September 18:00)
    3.       Software and web security 2: web security (dl 29 September 18:00)
    4.       Software and IoT security 3: buffer overrun (dl 6 October 18:00)
    5.       Software and web security 4: XSS (dl 13 October 18:00)

    Advice on the exercises:

    Tue, Wed, Thu

    Learning Hub Greenhouse (Konemiehentie 2

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      Zoom link for intro lecture on 5 September at 14:15 URL
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      Announcements Forum