
  • Databases for Data Science

    Course Description

    This is an introductory course on relational databases designed for Data Science BSc students; so no prior knowledge of databases is assumed. The course covers the fundamentals of relational algebra, the design of the relational schema including the Unified Modeling Language (UML), functional dependency and normal forms, the concept of transactions, creating SQL tables (including indexes), and using SQL to query the database. 

    Following the course, the students will have the know-how to design and implement relational databases that meet the normalization rules. Moreover, the student should be able to use SQL to write and run various types of queries so as to extract the desired data from the database, an essential part when analyzing data. In particular, the course will draw on relevant examples to prepare students to apply the principles of relational databases to projects in data science.


     Prof. Nitin Sawhney (email: nitin.sawhney@domain)

    Teaching Assistants

    • Amina Chahla (email: amina.chahla@domain) - Lead TA
    • Duy To (email: duy.to@domain)
    • Fathima Afrooz (email: fathima.abdulmahir@domain)
    • Krzysztof Modrzyński (email: krzysztof.modrzynski@domain)
    • Minh Ha Le (email: minhha.le@domain)
    • Rasmus Innanen (email: rasmus.innanen@domain)