
  • The exercise sessions are voluntary and you are free to attend them in case you need help with the course assignments. 

    They are held each Wednesday 14.15-16.00 at Y342a at the Undergraduate Center. See the weekly schedule for more details.

    Questions can also be posted on the course Slack channel, which can be found through the link: https://join.slack.com/t/beginnerspyth-3mo1768/shared_invite/zt-2doxucprl-lsuEK~arRy~fjFn3CGT~dw

    Slack practicalities

    • On Slack you can ask for assistance from TAs outside of the exercise session time. You can except reasonably fast answering times within the normal working hours.
    • There are multiple channels on Slack for different topics (eg.: lecture, project, week-1-exercises etc.). Make sure you join all channels!
    • We highly recommend checking out the instructions video on Code Vault. You should use it to ask code-related questions.
    • Post all questions on the appropriate channels. Direct messages to TAs will not be answered. If your message contains sensitive information, email the professor.
    • If you don't have a project group, you can use the #find-a-group channel to help you find team members!