MNGT-E3002 - Megatrends as Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Lecture, 28.2.2024-10.4.2024
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 10.04.2024 Etsi kursseja: MNGT-E3002
Osion kuvaus
Submission Deadlines Sivu
Tasks to Pass the Course
06.03 at 23:59
Indicate team formation in group choice module in MyCourses
06.03., 13.03., 20.03., 27.03., 03.04. at 14:15 pm
Write the Learning Log
27.03. at 14:15 pm
Read the case and answer the preparation questions
06.04. at 23:59 pm
Submit the slides for the final pitch of the project
10.04. at 14:15 pm
Present the final pitch of the project
17.04. at 23:59
Evaluate the pitch of one assigned cohort (Grade + Feedback)
19.04. at 23:59
Hand in final essay
Team formation Ryhmävalinta
Students please form groups of min. 3 and max. 5 students yourselves and indicate your team formation in the Group Choice Module in MyCourses until 06.03. at 23:59 pm.
You can connect with each other via MyCourses and work on the tasks online or in face-to-face meetings.
About the groups:
If you prefer to work on the real-life case, please choose group 1-7; or group 10 & 11 (be aware: the company will get to know your ideas)
If you prefer to work on the theoretical case, please choose group 8 group 9, or group 12
(In case all groups for your preferred option (=theoretical or practical) are already full, do NOT register at this point and please drop me n E-Mail. I can unlock more groups then afterwards)