
  • Welcome

    Welcome to the home page of the course 21E12002 Capstone in Creative Sustainability! Here you can find general information about the course. If you would like to be admitted to the course as a student, please follow the instructions below.

    During the course students work in multidisciplinary teams towards finding creative solutions to real-life social and environmental challenges brought by client organisations. This year we are proposing projects with the following organizations:

    • Gaia Consulting
    • Hiilipörssi
    • Posintra
    • Vaarnii
    • Vasakronan

    The team members are expected to work intensively together during the course. They will also be meeting with the representatives of the client organizations. Each team will receive a tutor to guide them during the projects. The class will come together for five mandatory contact sessions over the course of the Capstone. The timing of the contact sessions is 9.1. (9-12), 16.1. (9-12), 6.2. (9-16), 5.3. (9-12, most likely online), and 26.3. (9-16). Other than this, there will be no organized contact sessions, but teams may use the course hours and the classroom for team meetings, tutoring sessions, and client meetings, so they should keep their Tuesday mornings free for Capstone work to facilitate the finding of common times for teamwork.

    If you would like to apply to the course, please do the following:

    1. Register to the course via SISU on 30.11.2023 at the latest. To avoid any last minute surprises, when registering please check immediately whether SISU has accepted your registration or whether some technicalities or preconditions are not met. (This point refers to whether your registration is technically correct, for example that you have the correct course implementation in your study plan, not whether you will obtain the course place.)
    2. Examine the project descriptions on this MyCourses website, decide which projects would be the most interesting ones for you, and submit your application on this MyCourses website on 1.12.2023 at the latest. You can only access the project descriptions and the application form if you are logged in with an Aalto user account.
    3. You will be informed about whether or not you are admitted to the course on 8.12.2023 at the latest. The exact number of students that can be admitted depends on the number of course projects. Only students in the Master's Programme in Creative Sustainability can apply, and first-year students are admitted only in exceptional cases.