Osion kuvaus

  • Oletko sä opiskelija? Opiskeletko sä Aalto-yliopistossa?

    Mitä teet aamulla? Syötkö jogurttia? Juotko kahvia?

    Milloin käyt kaupassa? Milloin opiskelet suomea?

    Mitä teet viikonloppuna?

    • 11. Tunti: tiistai 27. helmikuuta

      Your homework is to get ready to write about your normal day. You'll write the text in class.
      Do the exercises 1-3 on MyCourses course page and think about your daily routines
      and how you write about them.
      You need to use
      - 10 different verbs (at least one in negative form / remeber the verb conjugation)
      - time expressions: aamulla, päivällä, illalla, maanantaina etc.
      - you need university vocab: kurssi, kirjasto, kampus, luokka, luentosali etc.
      - food vocab. aamiainen, lounas, tehdä ruokaa, käydä kaupassa etc. (remeber the vowel harmony)
      The idea of the task is that you review the things we have studied so far and make sure you know most of it.

    • Tiedosto icon

      Lue teksti ja käännä se omalle kielelle.
      Read the text and translate it.

    • H5P icon

      Tee tämä harjoitus. Siinä on sanoja, joita tarvitset, kun kirjoitat omaa tekstiäsi luokassa.
      Do this exercise. There are words you'll need when you write your own text in class.

    • 12. tunti: torstai 29. helmikuuta

      Suomalaiset syövät paljon pullaa!

      We will review the clock and verb conjugation.

      We'll start chapter 4

      New case: partitive case

    • Sivu icon
    • KOTITEHTÄVÄ 1: Kielivinkki 1 
      (language learning tip 1)

      Katso kielivideo/Watch a language video.


    • Sivu icon

      Choose one video and watch it:

      Prepare to discuss the following next time (tiistaina 5.3.)

      -Was the video useful? Did you like it? Why or why not?
      -Did you learn anything new or was it a good revision?
      -Do you watch language videos? Have you watched other language videos in Finnish? What channels/videos?
      -Would you like to follow the channel(s) you have just tried? Why or why not?

    • KOTITEHTÄVÄ 2: practice partitive


    • KOTITEHTÄVÄ 3: Ruoka (food)


    • Sivu icon

      Puhu Sannan kanssa, mitä sä syöt ja juot.
      Speak with Sanna; what do you eat and drink.

    • Tiedosto icon

      Go to the grocery store and find the words in each box in the store. They can also be the names of products.

    • Verkko-osoite icon

      Jos sinulla ei ole aikaa mennä ruokaostoksille, voit käydä virtuaalikaupassa täällä.
      If you don't have time to go grocery shopping, you can visit the virtual shop here.

      First choose the difficulty level: the first is the easiest.

    • KOTITEHTÄVÄ 4: Kirjan tehtävät


    • Sivu icon

      Prepare to write about your normal day: You'll write a short (about 80-100 words) text about My day / My dream day in Finnish in class without a dictionary.

      Minun päivä / Minun unelmapäivä

      Tell first a little about yourself.
      Describe then your day: what do you do in the morning, during the day, in the evening.

      • when you get up, what you eat / drink in the morning
      • what you study, where you study/work, when  you have lunch with whom
      • what you do in the evening: do you do to the grocery store? where? what do you make for dinner? / do you study? do you do your homework? do you play? do you watch TV/Netflix?
      Use at least 10 different verbs - also in negative forms - and different time expressions.