Topic outline

    • Assignment icon

      Shoot a short video (1-2 min.) on MyCourses.

      1. Tell about yourself: name, the place you live in, the languages you speak, your family...

      2. Rehearse your speech and use just a list of key words when recording (this way it sounds more natural). Don't just read a text aloud!

      3. Open the assignment below and record the video by clicking the video camera symbol on the right side of the toolbar. 
          You can delete the video as many times as you wish and submit the one that you are satisfied with.

      4. You can freely choose whether you use written language or spoken language or both.

    • Forum icon

      Give peer feedback!

      Watch another student's video and post a comment where you describe one or two things that in your opinion work well in the video. Here are some ideas:

      - Pronunciation: is it easy to understand what the student says?
      - Vocabulary and structures: does the student use different words and structures learnt in the course?
      - Set up: is the video visually impressive?
      - Creativity: is the video created in a particularly interesting way? Does the student use Finnish language in a creative way?

      Post your comments on this discussion forum. For each pair/group, add a new discussion topic, and name the discussion with your names (e.g. Emese & Noora).