Osion kuvaus


    The course is organized as online course. You may follow the course independently whenever it is suitable for you during the I period / fall 2023. The course includes many short videos, texts, exercises and several multiple choice exams. Teaching language is English.

    This course is available to all Aalto students (register in Sisu) but also to anyone interested through Aalto Open University (register in Aalto Open). See also Aalto.fi-news page about the course.

    • Schedule

      • Online Introduction session on Mon 4.9.2023 at 9:15-10
        • See recording below

      • DL for finishing all exams is Wed 11.10.2023 (at 23:59) 

      • Online Closing session is Fri 13.10.2023 at 9:15-10
        • See recording below

      (participation in the introduction and closing sessions are not mandatory, but recommended - we will make short recordings to be watched later)

      How to pass the course?

      You need to fulfill all the following requirements to pass this course:

      1. Follow the online teaching material in the MyCourses workspace 
        • 3 sections: Forests + Wood + Carbon
        • 2-3 interactive books in each section (activities within the books are not graded)
      2. Practice with all the online quizzes (1 quiz after each book).
        • You need to get 100% correct from the quizzes and you may re-do the quizzes several times.
      3. Do the online exams in the workspace after practicing with quizzes. The exams you may do only once.
        • Exam opens once you 100% correct from the quizzes of that particular section.
      4. Give feedback in MyCourses by Wed 18.10.2023 (becomes available later on)

    • Grading 

      The course will be graded 0-5. The grading scale will be determined later on. The different sections are weighed as following:

      • Forests 20 %
      • Wood 50 %
      • Carbon 30 %

    • Tips for studying

      • Don't hesitate to ask! (email works well)
      • Make notes while studying the material
      • Read more than once
      • PC/laptop is recommended for the MyCourses platform (cell phone, or other smaller screens might not be optimal)
      • Close extra tabs when making the online exams (to avoid any technical interruptions)
      • Using AI-tools during the exams does not serve any purpose in your learning and therefore their use is forbidden
      • Check-out this video by our visiting scientist Dr. Callum Hill:

    • Course staff

      If you have any questions related to the course, please ask: wood-teaching@aalto.fi

      We are there to help you:

      • Kristiina Lillqvist
      • Steven Collins
      • Lauri Rautkari