
  • Master's thesis process course, August 2023 - July 2024 (I-V)

    Welcome to the Master's Thesis Process course space. Please read this section carefully and follow the instructions. Course registration is done in Sisu! Registration for this implementation (2023-24) is now closed, but the next course implementation (2024-25) has started.

    When to attend the Master's Thesis Process course?

    This course focuses on the initial stages of the Master's thesis. Therefore, begin this course when you have just started working on your Master's thesis project. In other words, enrol into this course as soon as your thesis topic has been agreed on with your supervisor. However, formal approval of the topic by the school is not required. See section "How to enrol" below. Completing all parts of this course typically requires 12-18 weeks, depending on your own commitment as well as the availability of teachers and peer students. Summer break: Please note that during 19.06.-31.07.2024 no teachers will be available to support your course work and even before that their capacity is limited, so in case you start the course work after March 2024, your passing this course will most probably be after summer! In that case, you will continue the course work in this MyCourses space also after summer, and course completion will be marked in Sisu for this 2023-24 course implementation! (So, no need to register to next year's implementation!)

    What is the aim and organisation of this course?

    This course aims to help you set and formulate the scope and goals of your Master’s thesis. In Part 1: Activities and assignments (Research plan), in groups of five students, you will write and share a research plan, as well as provide feedback to the other group members on their research plan and receive feedback on your own. In Part 2: Activities and assignments (Intro chapter), you work individually, and the teachers will guide you through the writing and revision process for the Introduction chapter of your Master’s thesis.

    How to enrol into the course?

    You can enrol into this course in Sisu at any time during Periods I-V, i.e. from August 7, 2023, until June 7, 2024 at the latest (as soon as you have a thesis topic). Please enrol when you have just started working on your Master's thesis project! This compulsory course is graded pass/fail, and upon passing you receive 2 ECTS credits.

    How to get started?

    After enrolling into the course (and provided you have a thesis topic), you need to choose the first group that is not yet full (see Part 1: Your group choice). The teachers of the course will check the group situation regularly and send a kick-off message to all groups containing five persons ("5/5"). Next, you carry out the course work described in sections "Part 1: Activities and assignments (Research Plan)", and once that is done you continue with "Part 2: Activities and assignments (Intro chapter)". Each part takes about 7-9 weeks.

    Your first course activity will be to view the Introductory lecture videos and to go through the Introductory lecture slides. Find the slideset and the video recordings on this page (from the introductory lecture held on January 27, 2020).

    How to complete the course?
    You need to complete both Part 1 and Part 2 of the course, which typically takes 12-18 weeks. Please read the description of both parts carefully. You recognise that you are entitled to get the pass grade for the course once all activities have a fully-green circle within the Course index on the left side of this page (or the Course Completion found under Reports shows all boxes checked). It is your (the student's) responsibility to send an e-mail to the monthly responsible teacher stating that you completed the course! Only then will the teacher enter your course credits to SISU. The link to the list of monthly teachers is given below:

    • How to find a Master's thesis topic?
      General information about how to find a topic for your Master's thesis is available in Aalto.fi. If you are unable to find a topic on your own, contact the professor in charge of your major (CE students contact Mika Nupponen). The departments will always offer a topic when a student needs one (Note: Topics offered by your department are not usually paid positions).
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Gruppval icon
      Part 1: Your group choice Gruppval

      Immediately after having enrolled into this course and after you agreed on a thesis topic with your supervisor(!), choose the first group from the list below that is not full (i.e. has less members than the maximum group size, e.g. 2/5). If no partly filled group exists, choose the first empty group (i.e. "0/5") from the list. It is required to actively choose a group before you can start Part 1 of this course, because Part 1 involves group work. (If you accidentally enrolled to this course before having agreed on a thesis topic with a supervisor, stay enrolled and simply choose a group once you have a thesis topic!)

      If your group is full (5/5) you may start the course work. The course teachers will check the group situation on two Fridays each month, and the teacher will send a kick-off message as a reminder to the group(s). When you start the course work, don't forget to also watch the Introductory Lecture and slides.

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Fil icon
      Introductory lecture slides Fil PDF

      These slides were used in the original introductory lecture, the recording of which you should watch in the activity below. Some details, such as important deadline dates, have been updated here since then in this slideset (but not in the video).

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Sida icon
      Introductory lecture Sida

      The introductory lecture recording is divided into three videos for easier navigation. Please watch all three videos. It is recommended to also browse the above Introductory lecture slides (especially for updated dates on slide 10).

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Gruppval icon
      Language of your thesis Gruppval
      Please indicate here asap in which language you will write your Master's thesis. This information is needed to allocate the correct language teacher for Part 2 of this course (i.e. writing the Introduction Chapter).
    • Tillgänglig om: Fältet User account contains (use: aalto.fi) innehåller aalto.fi
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