SCI Master's Thesis Guide
Osion kuvaus
When to apply for supervisor, topic, and advisor approval in MyStudies:
- When you have agreed on the collaboration with your supervisor and want to officially start it (NB! For CCIS-students, agreeing on collaboration with a supervisor via email or face-to-face is not mandatory. CCIS students can submit the supervisor, topic, and advisor application without a supervisor and advisor(s) request).
- The target time to apply for supervisor, topic, and advisor is 6 months before the planned submission of the thesis and when you want to officially start the collaboration with the supervisor. Please note that if you have not applied for the supervisor, topic, and advisor approval early enough, it may result in a delay in your graduation.
- If your thesis topic, supervisor, language, and advisor have been approved 31.7.2023 or before according to the old instructions (valid until 31.7.2024) by the degree programme committee, i.e. your "topic approval date" is 1.8.2023 or before, you must apply for the approval.
Application processing time: During the academic year, your application will be processed within 4 weeks. Note that holidays may extend the application processing times. The application is processed by the supervisor and either the programme director or head of major. The programme director/head of major processes the supervisor request and the supervisor processes the topic and advisor request. You can follow the application status in MyStudies.
Why apply: Receiving the supervisor, topic and advisor approval officially starts your thesis process and your collaboration with your supervisor. Once your supervisor is approved, you can book thesis supervision appointments with them via MyStudies if they have allowed appointment scheduling. The supervisor, topic, and advisor must be approved in MyStudies at the start of the thesis process for you to be finally able to submit the final version of the thesis for evaluation, grading and archiving.
How to apply:
- Go to MyStudies Thesis-tab.
- Fill in the needed basic starting information in MyStudies Thesis –tab if you haven’t done so yet and
- Finally, select "Submit for Supervisor Approval”.
What if supervisor and/or topic and/or advisor change during the thesis work?
- Contact Learning Services They will help you to figure things out.