DICE-EV0003 - Smart Wearables II D, Lecture, 8.1.2024-5.4.2024
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 05.04.2024 Etsi kursseja: DICE-EV0003
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Welcome to the Smart Wearables II course in Spring 2024! This course is open to both graduate and post-graduate students.
The course will consist of invited talks (mainly in Period III, mandatory to attend) and project work. The invited speakers from academia and industry will introduce the state-of-the-art of biomaterials for smart textiles, advanced fabrication methods like weaving and printing, embedded machine learning, emerging user interfaces for extended reality applications, smart wearables for health and wellbeing, as well as practice of user-centered design.
The project work will be done in small groups (3-4 students/group). We encourage students from different disciplines (e.g., design, engineering) to work together. Student groups can choose one topic provided by the teachers, or define own topics. The project works are supposed to be relevant with the topics covered in the invited talks. Each group will have a tutor to provide guidance during the course.
Before joining the course, we encourage participants to have basic knowledge in at least one of the following fields: functional materials, electronic design, machine learning, fashion/textile design, and industrial design.
Learning outcomes: At the end of the course, the students are expected to be able to
1) Conduct a user-oriented ideation process and concept generation leading towards the creation of e-textile-based wearable systems.
2) Implement prototypes of smart wearables using advanced fabrication and/or machine learning techniques.
3) Conduct evaluation of system performance and user experience through user tests.
4) Improve team working skills in a multi-disciplinary setup.
Schedule: In Period III, contact sessions will be organized on Wednesdays and Fridays, 12.15-14.00.
Responsible teacher: Associate Professor Yu Xiao yu.xiao(at)aalto.fi