Topic outline

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      Submission box for the research PLANS (due May 29, 2024) Assignment

      Please submit your 1-2 page research plan here, you may extend the plan with the research profiling findings (see above). The suggested outline of your research plan is:


      1. Motivation (why do you find it important to study the topic, theoretical & managerial motivation)

      2. Topic area and specific research problem(s)/question(s)

      3. Objectives of your research

      4. Examples of important previous research articles on the topic and/or main theory to be used. Use full citation of the example articles (author(s), year, article title, journal name, volume/number, pages)

      5. Methodology (e.g. a literature review, case study, survey,…)

      6. Tentative table of contents

      Possible reference list (for references used in the plan)