
  • Tervetuloa kurssille Suomi 2!

    Welcome to the course Finnish 2!

    Course time: 4.3.-22.4.2024

    Lessons: Mondays and Wednesdays at 16.30-18.30

    Exception: No lesson on Monday 1.4. (Easter holiday). We have a lesson on Tuesday 2.4. at 16.30-18.30 instead.

    Location: in Zoom

    Book: Oma Suomi 1 (Tapaninen & Kuparinen), chapters 6-9

    Written exam: exam on MyCourses on Monday 22.4.2024

    Oral tests: arranged together with the teacher

    Re-exam: online exam on Monday 20.5.2024

    Teacher: Nelli Karkkunen (nelli.karkkunen@aalto.fi)

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen Suomi 2_kevät 24
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    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen Suomi 2_kevät 24
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      Oral test groups and times, word Fil DOCX