Osion kuvaus

  • About this session

    In this fourth session we will discuss about expertise. You get to ponder what kind of expertise students will need as experts of their own field in the future, how to support them gaining that knowledge, skills and attitudes. In addition, we will practice giving oral feedback in a constructive manner.

    After the session you will be able to e.g., know how to consider students as experts of the future, have reflected on your own expertise and your development as a teacher, be able to understand your own teaching in a wider context and envisage the expertise provided, by your own field of teaching and the future prospects of the field.

    • Assignments before the 5th (and final) teaching session 7.5.2024
      Please note, that the submission boxes will be open after the session.

      • Essay version 2.0, DL 23.4.2023 - you will receive feedback from the teachers on this version, to fine tune it before the final submission!
      • Learning log 4, DL 26.4.2024
      • Essay version 3.0, DL 7.5.2024
      • Reading assignment: Chapter 15 Building your career through teaching, p. 328-342, DL before the next session

      More literature to support the essay writing can be found in the Additional materials section.

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      Palautettava viimeistään: maanantaina 6. toukokuuta 2024, 21.00