Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    CS-C3100 Computer Graphics is offered in the spring term 2024 only as a self-study class.

    There are no lectures and no systematic TA support.

    All study material, including assignment handouts, can be found in the fall 2021 MyCourses instance of the class

    To complete the class, there are two requirements:

    1. You are to complete Assignments 1-6 at your own pace and turn them in here in MyCourses by Sunday May 19, 2024 23:59. To pass, you need >0 points from all six assignments.
    2. An oral examination and code review will be conducted with each student between May 20 and May 31 on times agreed on later. 

    Student-to-student discussion policy is the same as that detailed in the intro lecture slides from 2021: you can – and are encouraged to – discuss, but code must be written by just you. Note, in particular, the possibility for practically infinite extra credit in each assignment. You can use the MyCourses forums here to ask and answer questions about the assignments.

    Take advantage of the introductory materials on C++ and other supporting documents; we know the learning curve can be steep if you are not previously familiar with C++.

    A word of warning: in previous oral examinations, we have caught students who cheated by turning in code written by someone else. We found out simply because the students were unable to answer simple questions about the code. If we detect this, you will receive zero points for the assignment in question; this, along with the requirement of >0 points from all assignments, will lead you to fail the class. In addition, we will report cheating to the appropriate higher authority.

    Prof. Jaakko Lehtinen