
  • Tervetuloa Suomi 1_H18 -kurssille!

    Confrim your place on the course by coming to the first lesson.

      kuva / picture Pasi Markkanen, Aalto-yliopisto

    Hei opiskelija,
    We will have a lesson in 29.2. in room M234. Tervetuloa kurssille.

    Aika - time: Tuesday - tiistai & Thursday - torstai kello 12:30-14:00
    Paikka - place: tiistai KPMG U262 & torstai Kide-building Noether (1572)
    Opettaja - teacher: Markku Haakana markku.haakana@aalto.fi
    Kurssikirja - The course book
    K. Kuparinen & T. Tapaninen
    Oma Suomi 1 uudistettu
    A new edition published in December 2022

    • Instructions how to use the smartphone app Otso to listen to the audio of the textbook.

      'Otso' is an old Finnish synonym for the word bear. The bear has many euphemisms because people were afraid of bears and did not dare to use its real name.

    • About this app

      Welcome to the evolving world of our Finnish pronunciation app, currently in active development. We value your feedback! Please share your thoughts to nhan.phan@aalto.fi.

      Who Is This App For?

      Tailored for beginner Finnish language learners eager to enhance their pronunciation and vocabulary. Perfect for those embarking on their Finnish language journey!

    • Esittele itsesi foorumilla. Introduce yourself on the Forum:

      Lisää teksti ja kuva, jos haluat. Add your text and picture if you wish.

      Aloita suomalaisella tervehdyksellä ja kerro ainakin...Start your text with a Finnish greeting and tell at least:

      • who you are ..mä oon..
      • what you study,
      • how long you have been in Finland,
      • and your favorite word/food in Finnish Mun lempisana on.../ Mun lempiruoka on...

      Voit myös kirjoittaa harrastuksista ja mistä olet kiinnostunut. You can also write about your hobbies or interests.

      Voit kirjoittaa englanniksi tai suomeksi. You can write in English or in Finnish :)