Topic outline

  • Everyone must write a maturity essay as part of the thesis process.
    The purpose of maturity essay is:
    - to demonstrate conversance with the subject area of your thesis, and
    - to demonstrate, if necessary, your proficiency in the language of your primary and secondary education.
    For your maturity essay at the bachelor’s level, you will write an executive summary or a media advisory. You can choose whichever one you want.

    Language: Finnish or Swedish

    Maturity essay is in Finnish or Swedish, if one of these languages was your language of education. The language of education is usually the one shown as your mother tongue on your school-leaving certificate from upper secondary school. If you did not complete the upper secondary school syllabus, but completed an international track of upper secondary studies in Finland or the equivalent of Finnish upper secondary studies abroad, then your language of primary and secondary education is the one shown as your mother tongue in your certificate from comprehensive school.

    Language: English

    Maturity essay is in English, only if your language of education cannot be determined (as above) or it is English. If neither Finnish or Swedish is shown as your mother tongue on your upper secondary or comprehensive school certificate, then the language of education is most likely undefined in your case.

    Note! You must apply for determination of your proficiency requirements regarding the national languages. If you are supposed to write maturity essay in English, you must send the application before you write your maturity essay. The application form is available in the student guide. Submit the form to BIZ student services.

    General instructions

    You find instructions here, but please note that the parts dealing with the template and submission do not apply to this seminar. In brief, you are supposed to write a one-page executive summary or a media advisory of your thesis.

    Submitting and writing your maturity test

    Maturity test is written in an EXAM-room, and is not submitted together with your thesis as in some instructions! Follow only the instructions on this page.

    To write the test you need to reserve a time in an EXAM-room: LINK to enrolment page
    (Participants of both seminar groups BIZ3190.kand and BIZ3120.kand enroll through the same link)

    General instructions on using EXAM are available here. Note in particular that you cannot take any material to the exam room; no papers or pencils are allowed. You will have 1 hour 55 minutes to write the test. If you are entitled to extra time, please contact the teacher of the seminar before making reservations in Exam-system.


    When your maturity essay is graded, you will see the grade in your grades report on this MyCourses website.