
  • Tervetuloa LC-7210 Suomi 1 -intensiivikurssille

    Secure your place by coming to the first class. If you can't make it, let the teacher know.

    Aika / time: 22.4.-31.05.2024, maanantai klo 10.15-11.45 ja perjantai 14:15-15:45 / Monday at 10:15 and Friday at 14:15

    Paikka / place: Room Y228b in Otakaari 1 and 27.5. in U405

    Opettaja / teacher: Markku Haakana markku.haakana@aalto.fi

    This is an intensive course, which means that the course requires the following:
    1. A lot of independent work. Make sure to complete the pre-task(s) before each lesson on MyCourses. We are using flipped learning in the course which means that you are mostly studying new topics at home, and we will then practice them in the lessons. Set aside time for independent work, at least 5 hours every week. 
    2. Keeping up with MyCourses tasks and other homework.
    3. Active participation in the lesson (max. 2 absences). Make sure that you can actively attend the lessons (listening and speaking).