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    Teaching sessions in spring 2024

    About this course

    During this course we will explore multicultural issues concerning teaching, learning and communication. We will discuss important themes, such as culture, communication, and frameworks related to them. We also approach student perspectives and equity. This course provides further tools for teaching and interacting in English. 

    The course includes groupwork during the teaching sessions and individual learning assignments between the sessions. During this course, you have an active role in the learning process creating a short video learning nugget you can use in your future teaching.

    Intended learning outcomes

    After this course, you will:

    • be aware of the impact of culture on learning and communication
    • have a better understanding of how to teach multicultural student groups
    • have more confidence in teaching (in English)
    • have experienced multicultural teamwork in practice.

    Course teachers:

    Jaana Suviniitty, Senior University Lecturer, Aalto Language Centre (responsible teacher)

    Kirsti Keltikangas, pedagogical specialist, ELEC (co-teacher)

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