Osion kuvaus

  • The aim of this week is first to orient our minds towards presentation skills in general as well as presenting in English. This week consists of four assignments, of which 2-4 will be completed by you at your own pace but by the deadlines given.

    Assignments 1-3 aim to activate your previous knowledge and experiences of presentation skills as well as invite you to explore and analyse technical/scientific presentations online (Assignment 2) and read more about presentations skills in general (Assignment 3). You will also reflect on your own personal learning goals for this course (Assignment 3).

    Please note that in reaction to continuous student feedback, a Zoom class kick-off is arranged in tandem with Assignment 1, i.e. a socially more interactive way to complete this assignment as well as meet your coursemates and the teacher in real-time. See below for more info and the Zoom url.

    In addition, you will learn more about presentation planning, starting with audience and purpose, and share about your own experiences of having seen various presentations (Assignment 4). You will start by considering how audience affects all your choices in a presentation: purpose, contents (level and order), visuals.


    As mentioned above, you will complete Assignment 1 with other students in a live synchronous Zoom session on the first Tuesday of the period from 09:30-11:00 in Assignment 1: Presentation DOs and DON'Ts Whole class Zoom kick-off.

    Please note that 'Assignment 2" requires posting in the Forum and responding to someone else's post. It has two separate deadlines. This means that you should not leave "Assignment 2" until right before the deadline.

    You should also check Assignment 4 later on to see what other students have posted there. You can always learn so much from other points of view.

    If you have found a website related to presentation skills you would like to share with others, please post it under "Useful Links".

    Please remember that all assignments are obligatory. Any assignment that is late loses a point for every day that it is late. For this first Week, timely completion of all assignments, especially Assignment 2, is essential to indicate to the teacher that you intend to remain in this course.

    At a glance, the deadlines for this first Week are as follows:

    1. Assignment 1 (A1): DL Tuesday of Week 1 (usually in conjunction with the Kick-off session*);
    2. A2: Thursday of Week 1;
    3. A3: Friday of Week 1;
    4. A4: Sunday of Week 1.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Sivu icon
      Week 1 Study materials: audience and purpose Sivu
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Verkko-osoite icon
      Assignment 1: Presentation DOs and DON'Ts Whole class Zoom kick-off Verkko-osoite

      In this Kick-off session, you'll get an opportunity to meet the teacher and your fellow coursemates, those with whom you'll be working and to whom you'll be presenting in the next six weeks. This obligatory class Zoom meeting is approx. 90 min in length. Assignment 1 will be worked on during that session in Padlet for Assignment 1: Presentations Do's and Don'ts.

      If it is impossible for you to attend, then please inform the teacher as participation in this session and completion of A1 are seen as assurance that you are part of this course. If you have a really valid reason for being absent and have discussed this with the teacher, then an alternative way of completing the assignment will be provided.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään Alternative_A1
      Tehtävä icon
      Assignment 1_Alternative: Presentation dos and don'ts Tehtävä
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Sivu icon
      Padlet for Assignment 1: Presentations Do's and Don'ts Sivu
    • Tehtävä icon
    • Keskustelualue icon