LC-1112 - Online Presentations Skills for Engineers (o), Lecture, 29.7.2024-30.8.2024
This course space end date is set to 30.08.2024 Search Courses: LC-1112
The purpose of this week is start practising your talk, since you have mostly put together the basics of the talk: you have the visuals and the outline. Please practise at least once at home with your slides and time yourself to ensure your presentation falls within the time limits (8-10 minutes).
This week, you will attend one 1½-2 hour session either on-site or online with a max. of 4-5 other students from this course and the instructor. You will present, get feedback on your presentation skills from peers and the instructor, as well as analyze others' talks and give feedback. Please familiarize yourself with some golden rules for giving constructive feedback.
Come to the on-site or Zoom session, prepared with your updated visuals and ready to practice!
The time and place for the session are detailed in the scheduler Presentation rehearsals.
Practice sessions/ presentation rehearsals (each student participates in one of the two-four practice sessions offered)
After the meeting, you will receive the video file of your recorded presentation. You have 24 h after the practice session to watch it and to fill out & submit the self-evaluation form (Assignment 9).
Zoom room for online presentation practice(s) URL
Alternative first practice (asynchronous) Forum
Panopto instructions: How to show your slides while recording your talk Fil PDF
A9 Practice I peer feedback form Fil DOCX
A9 Online Practice I peer feedback (Forum deposit)
Self-evaluation form (due 12-24 h after the rehearsal) Fil DOC