Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Welcome to the automatically generated MyCourses page for the first implementation of Thesis Seminar 2024-2025, starting in September 2024.

    More instructions about the Thesis Seminar and the MyCourses pages related to it will be available in late August 2024.

    Meanwhile, on this page, you will find the main instructions on how to approach thesis planning and the materials from the Thesis Seminar information session on 29.5.2024.

    If you have any questions, please email emilija.veselova(at)aalto.fi

    Instructions about thesis process 2024-2026

    Everyone who starts their thesis after 01.08.2024 must take the Thesis Seminar course and follow a thesis path

    You follow either the standard of intensive thesis path, as agreed with your academic advisor. 

    Most students should follow the standard path. The intensive path is for those students who go on exchange, do an intensive minor, do a full-time internship, or have some other significant factors preventing them from being on the standard path. (if you are unsure, please contact Emilija Veselova and/or your academic advisor).

    There is only an in-person version of the course; there is no remote version. Each year, there are two seminar implementations: the first starts in September, and the second starts in January.


    If you have completed Thesis Plan Orientation course (TPO) but do not have thesis topic approved yet 

    You do not need to take the Thesis Seminar course, but you can join the sessions to support your thesis work. 
    You should follow the standard path, starting in September and submitting in May 2025. 
    There is no intensive path for the fall of 2024. If you want to submit earlier than May 2025, you must plan with your supervisor about how to complete the thesis to be submitted in fall 2024. 
    Fall 2024 submission dates: 18.11.2024 and 31.12.2024 
    Spring 2025 submission dates: 26.05.2025 and 31.07.2025. 

    If you have completed TPO and have thesis topic approved 

    You do not need to take the Thesis Seminar course. 
    You do not follow a thesis path. 
    You should aim to submit the thesis in the fall of 2024. Plan with your thesis supervisor how to complete the thesis. 
    Fall submission dates: 18.11.2024 and 31.12.2024 

    Materials from Info Session on 29.5.2024



    Recording of the info session 
